Category: Thoughts

Who, me?

As long as you believe you exist this will continue to be a problem. The nature of problems that stem from our mind is that we carry them with us everywhere we go. Like glasses, they frame what we see, using a lens to correct it for our mind’s eye. In this way, the dissolution of the self is the…

Pass the butter

“oh simple thing, where have you gone?”– Keanne, somewhere only we know. Fractals fascinate me. There was a point in my life when I would spend hours watching fractal animations fold, unfold and refold into themselves. What gets me about them is always how simple the progression is. How the more you look and turn a simple idea, the more…

Beyond now

And then what? Once you have shown it all to them, laid it bare. Once they have sated their appetite for story on the back of your trauma – what next? Will you cover yourself up in shame? Gather whatever scraps of dignity that you have left and build a shrine to your past self? Will you leave it all…


In the end our 3 dimensional bodies are worn down by consistently crashing through the fourth dimension. Unable to distance ourselves from time, we are torn by it. Like a road, weathered by the rains, we become harder to navigate. What was once smooth sailing is now interrupted by a series of potholes that should have been fixed, but stay…

Keep Farming

Creation echoes the creator. Ideas can only mirror the culture from which they are born and their modifications only move them closer or further from the original place. In this way imagining the future can only be understood if you ask yourself – what future? Whose future? From where does this future grow? And in knowing this it becomes apparent…

Slower is faster

You will know it is your time when you begin to see the signs. When the sound of the world is the beat of your heart and the musicians are belching out your problems. When the winds of the global politic turn, sending water over your farm that it may rain.   You will know that the world is moving…

Lift off

Mood: The escape velocity of the earth is 40,270 km/h. The Hennessy Venom GT is the fastest car in the world and has a top speed of 435 km/h. The X 15 is the fastest plane in the world and has a top speed of 7,200 km/h. My car rattles at 100km/h. At launch an astronaut experiences 3gs of force.…


Mood: The body slowly adapts to pressure. After spending minutes deep below the surface divers are advised to curb their rate of ascent to allow for the nitrogen to slowly leave their body. To climb too quickly is to risk decompression illness. Of all ascents, the final ascent is to be taken slowest as the greatest pressure change happens right…


(in crescendo)   Mood: You are running a race – you are far behind. You are far behind because you are running a race, and because ahead is only a place after now (with persistence), then behind is an abstraction – you know this and because you know this none of this is really a revelation. Still – behind you…