“Without understanding, you cannot proceed.”– Yasiin Bey And the game of life, set up by time itself, is motion. To continue to face the next frame life presents, or else be crushed at a rate of 60 frames per second all because you refuse to let go of the one picture where you saw yourself in a different light. Let…
Category: Thingries
Waiting for you
Somewhere in the unknown, beyond the horizon of what you can see, lies an answer. A disappointingly simple, slightly frustrating answer. One that you have been looking for within the bounds of your knowledge since you can remember. You continue to look because you know it exists – you are not wrong. It is out there, somewhere in the realm…
Who, me?
As long as you believe you exist this will continue to be a problem. The nature of problems that stem from our mind is that we carry them with us everywhere we go. Like glasses, they frame what we see, using a lens to correct it for our mind’s eye. In this way, the dissolution of the self is the…
We’ve come too far to take the bus back
Coming back from the void involves acclimatising to everything that continues to be real, despite all evidence pointing to the fact that it isn’t. It involves remembering, everyday, that there is a certain linearity of thought that has come to define the parameters within which thinking should happen. That this linearity is expected… demanded… from all by all. It is…
Don’t. Blink.
“I just came to beat a bully’s ass and get my lunch back… …And I’m just in the studio, hoping that it sounds right, here’s a brighter bulb for your limelight.” – Chance the Rapper, Prom Night What will you do when you realise that it was never theirs to take away? When, after years of languishing in the dark,…
The dance is in the dancing
One day you will go out to build. Like every time you go out to build, it will feel like a final build. In the back of your mind you will shrug the feeling – you always say it will be the last time. It never is. So that day, like everyday, you will take your axe to canvas and…
Let them know that no matter the consequences it is here that you shall stand. Plant your feet lightly into the ground, ready and nimble, listening to the winds carry whispers of those who plot your demise. And even as they plot, remember that there is nothing to do but be radiant through it all. That your days of battle…
“Your success took a shot at you, what are you gonna do now? You gonna become unsuccessful?”– American Gangster “To live a better life, you know as well as I, that falling down is easy when you’re close to the ground.”– Siffre, For the lovin Eventually, once you think that you have understood the lay of the land and your…
Spoil powerfully
“Am I worth it?Did I put enough work in?”– Sing about me, Kendrick “Je mtanikumbuka?”– Maria salaam, Checkmate The reason doubt has power is that it could be true. Unlike other emotions that are grounded in a fact (real or imagined) doubt thrives in absence, shaping all the possibilities into a self-inflicting weapon of “what ifs.” Under assault, we begin…
Increasingly, I understand the risks you took, what it meant and how there was no more that you could do. How as I grew into a shape and form you knew it was harder to believe that the risk was worth the wait. Increasingly I understand how to assume that risk can be taken without considerable pains to the heart…