
We pick up from where we left off.

Broken hearts still wonder wide eyed

waiting for time to unwind itself

to the moment before. 


Fury filled optimists refuse to accept what is,

causing something else. 

Something else is never enough,

the world keeps turning 


– while peacemakers spread platitudes, 

placating the population with proverbs and puzzles. 


the anxious hold on tight, 

so nothing may fall out of their grasp,

and the afraid don’t hold on at all, 

choosing nothing over the possibility of failure. 


Those who are smart enough to know not to interfere 

are led by those who are not.

Those who have it tough enough to understand the importance of kindness 

subjugated by those who do not. 


The sun insists on coming up in the morning, 

death, taxes, and the pursuit of purpose plagues us all. 

Every breath another further from our first, 

every step another closer to our last. 


The world keeps turning.

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