Go quietly into that good night

“Time to put the temper tantrums to the quiet corner”

  • Mos Def


Go quietly into that good night.

Remember that it is in the nature of cycles to start again

And that to begin is highly dependent on what ends

Let go, let go, let go of the light.


Greatness is overrated, ambition much the same

And glory is the other side of a coin called shame

You must consume in order to burn bright

Let go, let go, let go of the light


Go quietly into that good night

Having walked the path smelling every scent,

hearing every sound and seeing every sight

Let go, let go, let go of the light.


The war is over, the fight has been fought,

now dusty, disheveled and fraught,

don’t throw up your hands, kick up and fight.

Go quietly into that good night

Let go, let go, let go of the light.

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