Like the thunder that came from the east, scattering seeds of the future in our minds, the news spread. It gathered minds as it grew, becoming more, gaining momentum. Like thunder, it was heard by many, feared by few and understood by even fewer still.
Things have histories.
Many times they go even further back than minds can fathom. To unravel deeds to their inception is maybe to say, at some point it wasn’t – then it was. And the becoming from not to it may or may not have been documented. Which, to a people who seek to understand, means that – at the end of the day – there are only questions, answers and everything else.
It is, of course, everything else that we are interested in.
It is of course, from everything else that the news came.
Heard by many, feared by few and understood by even fewer still.
The problem became when life, being a cycle, began to grow. From everything else spurred news, gathering minds and going back to everything else – minds in tow. The mass exodus to everywhere else slowly erasing first the answers then, eventually, the questions.
The problems with history is that it is a creature of habit.
Not only has it happened – it happens again. As if in a bid to impose the timelessness of the present, the past keeps finding its way back to us. And so this husago with time continues.
And we become less.
And we become more.
And time, love and memory continue to organize everything else.
And time love and memory continue to organize everything else.