A boy sits in front of a piano.
Something sits wrong. Not ready.
A boy sits in front of a piano.
Eyes trained, their stares burning
holes into his mind. Their eyes
see his unknowing fingers. A memory
A boy sits in front of a piano
(this is not about a piano)
(this is not about a boy)
Tears well up as he sees the
end, riding steadfast, powerfully
into nothing.
Fingers that know to put their left leg
in, but have long since forgotten
how to take their right foot out.
A crescendo, increase pace
vigour. Maybe, if you go harder
you will burst past the edge.
Whispers to a story
(this is not about a boy)
The surprise symphony is
best known for its halting
staccato. Haydn is said
to have written this piece
under the influence of 70 eyes
in a hall at the KICC. But rumors
are only fuel to immortality. Not
worth considering.
Except maybe
in a conference room
as a part of an audience seated behind judges
watching a piano
an empty seat
and a half complete symphony.