There’s a movie called the invention of lying. Basically it goes on about how the world was before lying came around. Everyone would tell the truth no matter how blunt and how nasty it was, until one man discovered that he could just tell people things and they would believe it. Fascinating movie that, this however, isn’t a movie review so I won’t dwell on the movie for that long (you really should watch it though it makes for good entertainment.) “Truth is relative, pick the one that suits you best.” Those are the words of Tony Stark, if you haven’t watched the show don’t plague me with your blank looks. Greg House says “everybody lies.” John Grisham in his novels based most of his plots on a simple deception.

Everybody lies
So how are we meant to trust anyone in a world that is constantly plagued by lies and deception? I mean, if the media is but a depiction of what actually happens then how do we survive in such a world? In a world where everybody goes around thinking, it is just a white lie right? Nothing could be wrong with that. Yet the reason why lying is so easy to get away with is because the most basic instinct of the human being is to believe what one is told. We are naturally inclined towards accepting what we are told for the truth. Children are the best to form such an example. They just take everything in; with their innocence and obliviousness to the corrupted nature of the adult that they may be talking to, they hang on every word like it is the gospel truth. If a father tells his child that a car is called a chair that child will go on to believe that and any divergence from that will be adamantly rejected.
Yet somewhere along the line something goes wrong. Children grow up and all of a sudden they are the liars, the ones that hold their cards closest to their chest, the ones that believe that no one can tell them the truth because the world is but a corrupted place where only the people who can manipulate the others the most survive and hence having trust issues might be a plus in this modern society. Or is it? I know I am expected to offer some sort of solution at this point but sadly nothing I can say can solve this issue. People lie, that is a fact. I can’t tell you to trust people because that would be extremely naïve of me. I can, however, ask you to tell the truth because how can you be able to trust anyone if when it comes down to it no one can trust you?
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