Beneath clear starry skies,
The lonely mocking bird it flies,
Who? The owl it asks perplexed,
As the woodpecker lies still in its nest,
The eagle way, way, way up high,
Silently stalks, for prey is nigh.
The grass wet with morning dew,
Silence broken by the cocks cock a doodle doo,
The dove, the canary and the cuckoo,
All enjoy their beautiful view,
The eagle way, way, way up high,
Silently stalks, for prey is nigh.
The hummingbird does its backward flight,
The albatross soars all day and night,
The hawk eyes the mice, and the baby rabbits hopping,
And they all stop and ask, who killed cock robin?
The eagle way, way, way up high,
Silently stalks, for prey is nigh.
The vulture feeds on remains leaves nothing but bones,
The pigeon brings joy to several homes,
The parrot can’t stop talking, since Polly has a cracker,
The swan graceful as always, the duck can’t shut its quacker,
The eagle way, way, way up high,
Flies content, a bird satisfied,
Amidst all this scampering on a branch,
From way up high the eagle sees lunch.
The chicken is slaughtered makes one hell of a meal,
The swallow is mellow, its soul needs to heal,
These fowl are quite foul, these birds oblivious,
The world around seems so mysterious,
The eagle way, way, way up high,
Points his nose and takes his dive.
The dove preaches peace, the ostrich can’t fly,
The penguin in his tuxedo, the raven stands by,
The turkey is suicidal, the sparrow claims taboo,
Yet still the parrot talks on with its tails untrue,
The eagle climbs, the air gets thinner,
In his talons, it has its dinner
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